तुम्हारी खिड़की

मेरे कमरे की खिड़की और मैं अक्सर बाहर से गुजरते लोगों को देखा करते है। सबको जल्दी कही जाना होता है, कुछ देर वो जाते हुए दिखाई देते है। फिर नजरों के दायरों से ओझल हो जाते है। मुझे अक्सर…
मेरे कमरे की खिड़की और मैं अक्सर बाहर से गुजरते लोगों को देखा करते है। सबको जल्दी कही जाना होता है, कुछ देर वो जाते हुए दिखाई देते है। फिर नजरों के दायरों से ओझल हो जाते है। मुझे अक्सर…
I recently read several books by the British author Jean Sasson who spent a few years of her life in the middle East and wrote about the plight of women due to the stereotypical atmosphere deeply ingrained into the customs…
Words are whetting stones of a revolution in which literature has an imperative role to play. The Victorian literature reinforces the ‘supposedly’ ordered and stable societal state which is governed by a strict code of conduct that was extended to…
Introduction All living beings including man and the environment are affecting each other in a number of ways and there is a dynamic equilibrium existing between them. What we do and what we experience can change our genes, and we…
I was warned about them at an early age of 7, when my mother dragged me along the roads of Rashtrapati Bhawan quarters after my dance class, late in the evening.” Walk faster, there are bad men”, she said. I…
Yet another mother’s day passed. While there are pictures and wishes for mother’s all around, have you ever thought that you are conveniently choosing to ignore the toxic hard truth? Whenever you want a little kid to do some chores…
Arguably one of the most controversial subjects possible in discussion, the mere mention of “suicide” or killing of oneself, raises eyebrows and imposes a sense of caution in any conversation to follow. A related subject, and a common cause of…