Elizabeth Barrett Browning- An Unconventional Poet

Elizabeth Barrett Browning broke many conventions for her time and traversed a path that had nothing to do with already recognized styles. Elizabeth Barrett was…
Walt Whitman: America’s Greatest

Walt Whitman is regarded as one of the greatest writers of America. He takes his place amongst the greats of English language literature like Dante and William…
Kamala Das’s Rebel Woman

Kamala Das validates me for being a woman. She validates my fears and follies of love. She validates my paralyzing need to be with someone…
Unsurpassed John Donne: ‘Thou hast made me, and shall thy work decay?’

John Donne is the greatest English love poet and unparallel metaphysical poet. John Donne outpoured poetry about his life and circumstances, consciousness and inquisition. His earlier…
How Did Mona Lisa become the Most Famous Painting in the World?

The Mona Lisa is one of the most renowned legacies that the genius Leonardo Da Vinci left behind.Painted intermittently between 1503-1517, the Italian Renaissance masterpiece,…
Oscar Wilde : The Wilde Ride

Oscar Wilde was one of the most prominent figures of the late 19th century. A poet and a playwright, Wilde was well known for his knowledge,…
Thomas Hardy’s Life and work

Thomas Hardy is a name that leaves a lasting impression, among the litterateurs and poets of the modern period and more particularly, the span of…
Charlotte Bronte: Plain, Little, Obscure and Fierce

“Do you think I am an automaton? — a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips,…
Mark Twain: The Man in White

“Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.” ~ Mark Twain The American humorist, journalist, lecturer, and novelist Samuel Langhorn…
Blake’s concept of Binaries through his poems and illustrations

“Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate are necessary to Human existence” The marriage of heaven and hell…