Mark Twain: The Man in White

“Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.”

~ Mark Twain
MArk Twain
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The American humorist, journalist, lecturer, and novelist Samuel Langhorn Clemens, born in Missouri, Florida (November 30, 1835). After the death of his father, at age 11 he worked as a printer’s apprentice, later as a miner, at a steamboat, as typesetter and editor at the newspaper.

Pen named Mark Twain got recognition for his travelogues and adventure narratives. He adopted the name Mark Twain when he was a newspaperman in 1863 before trying respective names, Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass, Sergeant Fathom, and Josh. He got his name while working on a steamboat, where crewman used to call him “mark twain” (12 feet/two fathoms), to measure the water depth.

Clemens gave perception about the promptly converting world, his memories, and encounter. In 1867, he went on a steamship Europe tour and the Holy Land later published his first travel book, The Innocents Abroad (1869), then next Roughing It (1872). He co-wrote a relishable novel with Charles Dudley on political and social criticism with jocular characters, The Gilded Age.

In Hartford, Clemens wrote his famous books like “The adventure of Tom Sawyer” (1876) and “Life on the Mississippi” (1883), which enfold his recollections of Missouri, and the American mindset.

The classic tale The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) wrote in seven years with a proficient touch of dialects and wit, the first book published by his own company. It condemns racism, religion, slavery, and violence. And questions right versus wrong, and the nature of freedom as Huck grew closer to Jim, a runaway slave.

Comment by author Ernest Hemingway, “All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn.” Indeed!!

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A Glimpse of Twain’s wittiest essays, Advice To Youth “Always obey your parents when they are present”, At the Funeral “Do not bring your dog”, The Awful German Language “Will find the verb in the sequel”, and Advice to Little Girls “Comply your mother but make own acumen”.
Twain lost a fortune in bizarre inventions like clamps for Babys, a board game, a hand grenade, a scrapbook, and a Paige typesetter. Then he tours around the world and reimburses debts by 122 shows in 71 cities and publishes a book Following the Equator (1887) which delineates the uncharitable European powers. He turned into an Anti-imperialist.
Twain’s final works are bleak interrogating the human race, materialism, atrocity, and predominantly humanity. He anticipated his death precisely, he will go with Halley’s comet as he came with it and died on April 21, 1910.

“Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together; they must go out together”.

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Written By: Anisha Singhania

Editor and Team Lead: Ashutosh Sharma

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About The Author(s)

Chemistry major with self-proclaimed good taste in Books and Music.

Anisha Singhania
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