The Ultimate Sacrifice

   The Ultimate Sacrifice

In a dark night with a strike of thunder
Descends the devil to punish for the blunder
Rage at its peak and no words to speak
Shivers the woman pristine with her faltered feet

Then he effectuates his biggest facade
Will of one will now be other’s only way to breathe
Now on she’ll bear the descendants of devilry
Smirks the beast with a pretence of chivalry.

Captivated in sorrow arms of woman
Smiles the new born with it’s eyes open
They say it’s bright like a hollow space
Calming like a corpse in an open case

To see the baby comes the devil back
Killing the new born while her mother lays aback
Then  screams the mother with her aching heart
Why did you pierce open the newborn’s heart ?

Laments behind the bars the killer all day
Wishing he had not killed her baby girl that day.

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