

The Caged Bird

The Caged Bird The little bird Saw the world From the slits of her home All she wanted was to swirl and whirl How much she missed The days that were gone But she knew she had to stay For…

The romance of the sun and the moon

Long ago in a faraway land was a tiny kingdom called Summer Harbour. It was as beautiful as one could fathom, drowned in resplendent colours in the season of spring and between the paving stones of warm breeze came blooms…

Prostitution: the contemporary slavery

I recently read several books by the British author Jean Sasson who spent a few years of her life in the middle East and wrote about the plight of women due to the stereotypical atmosphere deeply ingrained into the customs…

Dark wings.

I have scars that have stayed longer than people ever did, they tell wonderful stories, stories that these people never even cared to dig out. My anecdotes were just peered into, by sliding the lid, and all that the peering…


वो आप वो रास्ता था आपका। हमने अपना बना लिया।। वो गली थी आपकी। हमने अपना बना लिया।। वो दिल था आपका। पर रहता कोई और था।। मंजिल थे आप मेरे। पर किसी और ने पा लिया।।


यकीं करोगी…? कहो…यकीं करोगी…? गर कहूँ…ये तुम ही हो… लबों पर गुलों के शबनम सी चमकती ख़ुशगवार हवाओं में चिड़ियों सी चहकती पहली बारिश में सौंधी मिट्टी सी महकती आसमां में हुस्न-ए-महताब सी दमकती…ये तुम ही हो आँगन में सावन…

Naive Sita

“Is there someone else in his life now, Maa?” The Earth shivered as Sita asked this awful question in the dead of the night. The old leaves from the Ashoka tree rained on Sita, as the tree shivered along with…


Taradiddle ~ Have you heard of this before? Have you met this word in any lore? I know most of you, Will shake your head, But is it known to any of you, Why you haven’t ever read, This word…

वो आंखें

पीड़ित, मजबूर और गरीब किसान की आवाज़ भले ही अवरुद्ध हो जाए भ्रष्ट आवाज़ों के शोर में, परंतु उसकी थकी हुई आंखें उनकी दुर्दशा की तस्वीर दिखलाकर सदैव ही हमें भयभीत करती आयी हैं और करती रहेंगी। वो आंखें भोजन…