The woman of your dreams

I am the woman of your dreams A toned up perfect body standing 5 feet 4 inches tall That loves to dress up as she…
I am the woman of your dreams A toned up perfect body standing 5 feet 4 inches tall That loves to dress up as she…
पीड़ित, मजबूर और गरीब किसान की आवाज़ भले ही अवरुद्ध हो जाए भ्रष्ट आवाज़ों के शोर में, परंतु उसकी थकी हुई आंखें उनकी दुर्दशा की…
I crave, crave like the depraved craves the immoral, and like the diseased craves the normal. why is this so strong? the need to do…
Words are whetting stones of a revolution in which literature has an imperative role to play. The Victorian literature reinforces the ‘supposedly’ ordered and stable…
“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” – Thomas Merton Art is like a forbidden sword; it shall not…
भागदोड़ भरीं ज़िंदगी जहाँ रुकने में थीं मनायी गाड़ीयो के शोर शराबें को थी हमने अपनी ज़िंदगी बनायी रोज़ व्यापार पर जाना छुट्टी ना मिलने…
Introduction All living beings including man and the environment are affecting each other in a number of ways and there is a dynamic equilibrium existing…
~~~”आँसू है आँखों का गहना “~~~ आँखों के आंसुओं को पलकों में सजाकर रखना, आंसू है आँखों का गहना, जो समझे कोई कीमत आंसू की,…
I was warned about them at an early age of 7, when my mother dragged me along the roads of Rashtrapati Bhawan quarters after my…
Yet another mother’s day passed. While there are pictures and wishes for mother’s all around, have you ever thought that you are conveniently choosing to…