The Love of This Era

The Love Of This Era Probably the last time someone asked, Their lover of what they cared truly, Was in a love letter eons ago,…

Life under Quarantine

And there is news of a new death, day by day, hour by hour, the number is increasing tremendously. The universe is going through turmoil…

एक शपथ

ये कैसा दौर चल रहा है, हर तऱफ बस धुंआ है मिट रही है इंसानियत सब में, खत्म हो रहा ये  जहां है।    …

Covid-19 A humble appeal from Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

पिछले कुछ दिनों से हमारा देश महामारी #CORONA से जूझ रही है, भारत की सरकार इसे फैलने से रोकने के लिए यथा संभव प्रयास भी…


At the end of day, We all need someone to make fun Of our messed up lives with…..

One sided love

words that i can’t speak Things that i always keep Secrets hiding in the ocean deep Only you wanted to seek, It started with just one hello …

Love sorrow

Journey of life is a very long road You were and you have to be all alone Many will come many will go Many will…


Beyond The muscles are stiff , breath is low and the blue is grey. I feel like in this deserted aqua I am a prey.…